Little history from a cousin

12 Aug

Little history from a cousin.

Small Decorating Changes Make Big Impact – House and Home News Story – WISN Milwaukee

8 Jan

Small Decorating Changes Make Big Impact – House and Home News Story – WISN Milwaukee.

Another Year gone By

19 Oct

I just pasted my 61st birhtday and 29 years of married to my wonderful wife Juie although the last two years have been some what of a down fall with the economy which has caused me to loose my home and truck and everything I had built up had to move in with my daughter living in the basement which is all right we at least have a roof over are head may be pretty damn near broke but not broken did I break oh hell ya it just flips your whole life upside down you don’t eat right you don’t sleep right your nerves are on edge you start thinking nothing but depressing thoughts you try hard not to show it to keep from not draging others close to you into this unstable frame of mind that has taking you over it is a very hard thing to snap out of it”s like a bad roller coaster ride you don’t want to be on but threw this all I have a whole different look on life material things are just that material things it is not the end of life as life goe’s on and you still have to survive you move on pick your ass up off the ground and start from over you cannot fix what has been done you can only move on and pick up the piece’s one at a time I’m telling you this because there are so many who have gone though this and many more who are gonna go though this and though it all I have learned to keep my head up keep my faith that things are going to get better and above all do not give up

Historic house features that offer comfort and energy savings

15 Aug

Historic house features that offer comfort and energy savings.

Rear Breed

6 Aug

Just in case your not aware of this most of my projects I work alone yep just me myself and i and I prefer it that way no headaches no baby sitting if I make a mistake ( which is very rear ) I can’t kick anyone in the ass but myself because me and i droped the ball I can do more by myself than having 2 helpers in all the yrs I have been in construction i have always had a good work etic this project and bass river ranch flip – both porch remodels – basement bathroom installation – interior exterior remodel – basement remodel (demo work – finish work ) basement bathroom remodel are a few I have done alone and in good time I have a methed to my See More… madness when other people are around
( helpers ) I sped more time showing them what I want and how I want it done and then to top that off I end up fixing it I want my customers when project is complete to say wow I love it for me there is nothing better than that I hear so many sad story’s of people who
are being taken over the hurdles so to speak but trust me not all contractors are like that
there are many good honest hard working ones out there it sadden me just to think that
those of us who are hard working honest people are being thorwn under the bus things have changed in such a way I cannot understand when I started out a simply hand shake was all it took people where more honest and trusting in today’s world you have to watch your back from all angles look at how bold dishonest and corrupt are syrem is
I think everything starts with leadership if they cannot set a good exsample what do you exspect from people who think to be corrupt dihonest and greedy is ok well all I can say is shame on the whole lot of them L’m so glad I grew up in time when a hand shake was all it took

SORT program can save old houses

6 Aug

SORT program can save old houses.

Bucks County: Historic Preservation Done Well

21 Jul

Bucks County: Historic Preservation Done Well.

3 Must-do improvements before you add solar panels

18 Jul

3 Must-do improvements before you add solar panels.

AddThis – Features: Easy Sharing, Analytics, Performance, Customization

10 Jul

AddThis – Features: Easy Sharing, Analytics, Performance, Customization.

Dont let your old house become a statistic

7 Jul

Dont let your old house become a statistic.